Finally a challenge that I've had some experience with, having been a fan of YPL's OVERDRIVE AUDIO BOOKS selections for quite some time. I recently purchased a second MP3 player with more space, only to drop it on a hard ceramic tile floor! Needless to say, I'm really trying to complete the 23 challenges. OVERDRIVE allows me to reserve audio material to my library account, check out, and download to my personal computer. The next step is transferring the audio to an MP3 player, and I'm on my way to the beach (or maybe just ironing). It's wonderful to be able to record several titles on a device that is small enough to fit into your pocket.
I have never looked into NetLibrary until now, but creating an account was easy, and allowed access to all of YPLs selections in the e-book digital format. I was surprised to see that NetLibrary offers downloadable e-Audiobooks as well, but these are not presently available through YPL. A broad range of topics seemed to be covered by NetLibrary e-books, but most selections seemed to fall into business, technology, and science, as well as classic fiction. Using the Advanced Search page to locate authors of popular fiction did not produce any results.
As a user of the genealogy database Heritage Quest Online, I have had some previous experience with digital e-books, as this site allows its users to search over 20,000 family & local histories in this format.